Suite 14, Level 2
Eastwood Corporate Centre
10 East Parade
Eastwood NSW 2122
(02) 8188 2020
FAX: (02) 8069 1888
Office hours 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Saturday (monthly, strictly by appointment only)
For urgent enquiries or appointments, please call us directly on 02 8188 2020
If deemed urgent, please contact us to discuss with our experienced clinical staff or directly with one of our doctors for phone advice and arrangement of timely appointment, which can often be same day or no longer than within 2-4 days.
Eastwood Corporate Centre is wheel chair accessible with an elevator to Level 2 and no steps involved with accessing the clinic.
2 hours free parking is available on nearby Rowe St, including Rowe St East Council Car Park and ALDI supermarket car park. Parking is also available at Eastwood Shopping Centre car park.
Eastwood Eye Specialists is located in the heart of Eastwood commercial hub. It is located at an easy 3 minutes level walk from Eastwood Train station.